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Pottery with spirit for Shin Mei Centre

September 2022

I was honoured to make the special ‘sakezuki’ vessels for drinking ceremonial sake at the September 2022 installation of Kinomiri jinja, a tranquil forest prayer shrine at the Shin Mei Spiritual Centre on Knapp Island. I appreciate that the Centre shares the teachings and practices of both Japanese Shinto and Tibetan Buddhism, at the same time welcoming persons of any faith to meditate, pray and study.

Spending tranquil time on tiny, 30-acre Knapp Island, just a short water taxi ride from where I live, is natural inspiration for pottery. We’ve launched a new collaboration in which a special collection of my signature cups will be available for purchase by visitors to the Centre. I dream of taking clay to the forest and creating pinching pots while sitting amongst the trees and gentle rhythm of waves.